art work

installation | performance | video | photgraphy | drawing | painting | music

„Ground Control“

underground Stuttgart, Germany

foto series



photo series

„Place de l’Arm“

proposal for Gaillard, France

call for tender proposal: sculpture in public space
„My Plainpalais“

BAC Bâtiment d’art contemporain Geneva, Switzerland

installation view
2D model
step on moon
„my plainpalais“ plexiglass object

„Plaine Silence“

Plaine de Plainpalais Geneva, Switzerland

multi-media performance (long distance concert)
live-video and sound transmitting
sculpture’s modelling, true to plaine de plainpalais‘ measures
view over plainpalais
capturing live-sound/video
first brainstorming sketch
spectator on observation deck
sketch of
on observation deck
„Leyla Langwelle“

Nightclub Weimar, Germany

announcer introducing the artist
Leyla Langwelle from San Francisco (Lili Weiss) improvising on long waves with radio
performance in public space

„Soirée Squelette“ (Heiner Müller theme)

Theâtre de Grütli Geneva, Switzerland

„HM T9“ video installation, trial to write original Heiner Müller texts in french predicted text technology
„Heiner Müller For You“ incoming calls -actress reciting live on phone

performing „Blutrausch“, composition consisting of sounds of a heart ventricle aperture and organ with half opened pipe flap

„Lacune Bleue“

Weimar, Germany

video installation

video-still „1000xgezoomt“
video-still „at the end of the road“
installation view


Weimar, Germany

live cam, directed in sky
life-video installation/ installation view


Berlin, Germany

interactive sculpture on the west side of the wall, with implemented „red button“ inside to spark truck lights installed in an abandoned building on the the east side of the wall, giving a kind of morse code
black & white thinking – a dream

super 8 video